
Sharing Zayn’s vision of utopia with his closest friends and providing inspiration for his infinite creativity.


The seeding kit – from concept to production – should consider the outsized impact of the networks of Zayn Malik and his celebrity friends. With that in mind, premium materials and elevated narratives should inform ideation around the kits, while also adhering to the brand's core value of sustainability.


Product Design

Fabricator Communication

Expertise Used

Material Research


Inspiration & Research

After receiving imagery from the upcoming Arnette campaign with Zayn we had clarity on the his vision for infinite creativity. We collected and presented an aligned vision to our partners.


Worked closely with a packaging fabricator to explore materials and construction, we explored new materials that had high sustainability scores.

Low fidelity prototypes and testing done with-in team to hold product securely. 3D models created by in-house modeler to ensure true geometry and receive approval on color.

Deliverable & Findings

After re-visiting the ethos behind sustainability we landed on a solution that didn’t lie in materiality but in re-use. We created a package that once delivered could have many uses as carrying case. This turned out to be a perfect accessory to travel into Utopia. The kit was delivered around world to Zayns closest friends.




UX San Antonio